Thursday, 1 May 2008


Reading the papers over the last few months has been a mixed bag for the inhabitants of Buck House. There is the scandal of the coke/sex royal, the joyriding Prince in his helicopter, Young Philips marrying a catholic who has converted to Anglicanism, Zara with Tyndall who is now due in Reading CC over Drink Drive allegation, the farce of the Diana enquiry and that silly, sad little man Al Fayad. Throw into the mix Harry trying to lead a quasi normal life as a serving officer albeit in one of the aristocratic regiments of the Household Cavalry. I know that in many eyes they are all fair game but shouldn't we, as the public simply say enough is enough, certainly we should have let Harry serve his time in the line. The so called "jolly" flights by William were nothing more than something that has always happened, the only difference is that he has been hung out to dry. Since the earliest of days of the RFC and RAF any opportunity to link personal pleasure to training flights was taken. This drivel about his trip to Afghanistan was pathetic, I wish that they could come out and prove how long ago the plans were laid for him to go there. The risk assessment alone would have taken weeks to carry out, approval from our pathetic Government another week and then Grammy and Pops had to say yea. Let's hope that the election results are catastrophic enough for Labour to divert the press to pontificating on the knives being out for Gobonastick Brown.

On the subject of elections, don't you just hate it when people hover outside the polling station and ask if they can see your polling card. The answer is no, it's my vote, everything about me when I vote is between me, the officers running the station and the ultimate outcome announced by the returning officer. For those who don't bother to vote, spare a thought for countries like Zimbabwe where, when and if you get to exercise your vote it may cost you your life if the "war veterans"(who are mostly under thirty so must have been 2 or 3 when serving)find out you voted for the wrong party. People have died for the right to vote and continue to die to exercise that right. We give it away so easily. It is especially surprising to me when a woman doesn't vote given that it is less than a century since Emily Davison was killed trying to get the vote and less than eighty years since the qualified right was abolished.