Saturday, 5 September 2009


The tyranny of the blog

Every now and then I come on here and read blogs esp a certain Leeds lass and others and feel contrite because I haven't metaphorically put pen to paper and created. laid down, bared my thoughts and soul.

This is my personal rant against what I perceive as the iniquities of our society, fair to say a lot directed at our Politicians, especially the current rabble in power, by the way how in the seven shades of Hades is that twat Mandelson(three time crim) being touted as the next leader of the Labour Party. In my humble opinion this can only mean that he knows where some deep and dark skeleton is buried.

Anyway, I digress from the tyranny of the blog, I feel somewhat inadequate because I don't sally forth and bare my soul but then I pause and reflect that even on my most loquacious days I am reticent to let any one see my inner me. This is as close as it gets utilising the somewhat dubious anonymity of the web and relying on the fact that few if any read my random ramblings.

Let me add, that whatever form God, Yahweh, Mohamed, Buddha, Krishna et al takes wasn't he marvelous when he created the female form, but goodness gracious me why did he make it so difficult to understand? Was definitely on a good day when he decided to create rugby, alcohol and allow us to enjoy meat. Not sure when he decided to throw tobacco, vegetarians and Greenpeace into the mix but hey, we are all allowed off days.

Ramble done, cocktail calling.

The passing of the Seasons

I've been out this afternoon and evening, a September eve with a full moon(I think) and because of the shitty weather had to have four layers of clothes, a hat and waterproofs. What the hell is going on, 1940, Battle of Britain, the RAF were sat in shirt sleeves waiting for the Germans to come over. Global warming or just the natural cycle of things.

What has happened to this year? Yesterday it was New Years Day and now it's nearly Autumn, leaves are going brown, nights are drawing in. Is it a function of growing older that the years go by faster? If it is then I need to go out and indulge in every way and with every one as soon as possible. Vices need to be enjoyed as often as practical and the corpus not so delecti needs to be worn to a nub. I want to appear in front of my maker in bits. Worse thing to hear at my funeral, "doesn't he look good". I want people saying, geez he is worn out and dragged out.

Oh happy thoughts!