Sunday, 1 November 2009

Time passes

It has been some time since my last blog. I have missed the catharsis, my occasional rants against the iniquities visited upon us by our Politicians have helped to clear my mind. I have to say that all my railing against them has paled into insignificance when you see exactly how venal and self serving they are! I read in the paper yesterday that the eventual repayment could be as much as £1million, in the same paper there was the comment that one Politician will only have to pay back £13000 of £63000 stolen from us, this equates to approximately a 20% return, on that basis they could have stolen as much as £20 million pounds.

Isn't that the amount it would cost for the TA to keep training? How munificent of Brown to stepp in to say that the Government will continue to fund them. The smoke and mirrors will be where else in the Defence budget will they take the money from. When you consider this have a look at the link to YouTube below.

At this time of the year consider as you walk about on your daily lives these and many others. Wear your poppy with pride!