Friday, 31 August 2007

An intriguing situation

As I sit and type this next posting I am content with the cathartic effect this "blogging" is having on me. It's amazing how simply having somewhere that you jot down the musings of a fevered mind can help. When something annoys me, aggravates or upsets me I come here and write the thoughts down. Many I don't post, the act alone is sufficient and I don't know that I want expose my whole soul in that way. The response that I have had from others has been an integral part of this catharsis in that receiving a semi anonymous response from some one that has no emotional involvement with me other than the effect of my ramblings either reinforces the view, gives a different view or allows a glimpse into their perspective of the same situation.

I have taken the decision that whatever people say in response to my ramblings I will publish(with the exception if that posting is offensive, illegal or repugnant). Fortunately I have not faced this issue yet. I have enjoyed all the replies received, I may not agree with all that has been said but I value the views expressed. In the light of this I want to thank Joanne for introducing me to the "art of blog", even though she wasn't aware that she had done so. I stumbled across her blog and became inspire.


Sarah said...

You have got the same thing I have, whatever is could be called. I post about my life and how everyday things affect me, but you know that anyway.

It is one of the best things I have done for myself.

We got the bug !!

Anonymous said...

I like your posts and blog; and was inspired by Jo's too.

I don't blog though. I've thought about it and have backed off, mainly because most "punter" blogs leave me cold as they appear so self obsessed and arrogant.

You have actually made me reconsider.............BUT......and it si a big I really have anything to say?

I would worry that my blog site would seem like a desert.

But then I treat a couple of Forums as a kind of blog and that seems, to me, more honest for a punter.

I have to take the replies as they are presented and have no control.

PHR said...


I am not sure that I have anything either profound, witty or enlightening to say. The point is that the mere act of putting some of this stuff out there helps to clear my mind of some of the detritus that builds up. That in itself has got to be a good thing. It helps to crystallise those thoughts and sometimes helps to present my arguments in a more cogent and structured format when I do argue them publicly. Please keep contributing to my affering even if you do take the plunge into your own version. All hail the great Joanne for starting me down this path and for tempting you!