Thursday, 30 August 2007

Is it?

What constitutes activities that are beyond the pale? Well for me this is an easy question to answer. Suffice it say that Paul Gadd aka Gary Glitter can fester in a Vietnamese gaol until hell freezes over. Any activity involving body exudations is a no-no as far as I am concerned. I would also not countenance anything that involved serious, permanent(or potentially permanent)damage. I am also firmly heterosexual. Outside of these parameters I am reasonably content to either partake, accept or ignore. Surely it is these differences that make life so interesting. It is surprising that all these different shades of pleasure find partners and also people happy to service these needs for those that cannot sate the desires at home.

I wonder if there is any correlation between for example the number of dominatrixes and what is happening in society at the time? It would an interesting study, I think if we could see the ratio say at the time of the Wall Street Crash in the 1920's, the recession in the Eighties and today. Who knows we may have a better economic predictor than the FTSE100. Obviously the war years would have to be excluded. We could perhaps use the number and the type of services provided as an indicator of the health of society, the economy etc;


Sarah said...

For me personally as a working girl, activities that go beyond my boundaries in terms of, I could not do/condone that..... are:-

Sleeping with any two members of a family at the same time..i.e. brothers/father and son etc

Sleeping with really young guys - (really young)

Scat play
Fisting of any kind
Pain - be it physical or mental
Being used to hurt someone's partner
........that kinda thing!

PHR said...


Interesting, it demonstrates the differences that I alluded to. When you look at the various sites around there are some people who find the activities that are no-no's for you an integral part of their repertoire. Obviously none that involve the very young, but as we see from the news recently there are people ready to pander to them. It seems if you are the member of a religious organisation you are protected, or at least not punished as the rest would quite rightly be.

Anonymous said...

I'd go with Jo on the basic boundaries that I have.........pain being the main no no..........and defo not sleeping with really young guys LOL (I'm straight BTW)

Some "no noes" are based on caution and reticence; maybe even down to being a little repressed.

As an example I've never really liked the idea of "A"..........but now would possibly consider it....maybe LOL

The only boundaries that society should get involved with are those where coercion is used or where public behaviour offends.

What is done in private with willing participants is no-ones business but theirs.

PHR said...


The only caveat that I would add is that what happens in private between consenting adults is their own business. In this instance some of my personal dislikes do not apply, however the stress is on consensual and adult.