Thursday, 18 October 2007

Teachers and small man syndrome

I am sat here pondering and trying to set down some cogent thoughts and realise that I have so many different random thoughts firing through that picking anyone would be dumb. One major issue is why do some teachers feel the need to play mind games with kids. They are already in a position of authority, why not be content with that! It's tough enough for kids dealing with puberty, raging hormones, exams, choosing courses and trying to find their niche in this world without having small minded teachers exercising their small man syndrome(in this case) or any other agendas on kids. I know that teachers are just like the rest of us and have baggage that they bring to work but I resent seeing it inflicted on kids, they should be trained and professional enough not to do it.


Anonymous said...

Put anyone in authority who has feelings of frustration and inferiority and then this sort of thing can happen if they give in to it.

You see it in the workplace, the forces.

They are usually weak people who resent being told what to do themselves so take it out on those who they have power over.

Sarah said...

Teachers are human. They are supposed to be emotionally dispassionate about the pupils they teach.

Bullshit. We all know about teacher's pets.

The awful thing is, they do the child no favours and do not help them in the real world.

Can't you always tell an ex teachers pet when you meet them?

The day we recognise that teachers do have faults, and that they can dislike some pupils just as some pupil dislike them we can perhaps move on with education.

I know of children ho have not learned a thing from a hostile teacher.

PHR said...


I agree and the whole Ofsted Inspection is a farce as indeed any inspection is going to be, the teacher concerned can put on a full dog and pony show and appear good. This is not a rant about teachers in general because I think they most do a fantastic job under extremely difficult circumstances. It is however a rant about any petty people who suffer the syndrome and use the microcosms of authority they are granted. I guess those that don't go into teaching probably end up dealing with the pictures from speed cameras. May their next movement be an angry porcupine!

PHR said...


Teachers are such a force in our lives, Teacher's pets are almost invariably the oleaginous, smarmy Uriah Heep type. As I said there are some really good teachers and some satisfactory ones(satisfactory shouldn't be seen as bad, they do what they are paid to do...Ronseal Teachers) but there are some bad ones who can destroy pupils.