Sunday 14 June 2009

No particular title Pt ll

I am sat here having imbibed a few cocktails and feeling mellow.

It seems that this government and indeed many around the world are starting to move their sights and the sights of various NGO's, partial agencies and the rest of the dross funded by me the hard working tax payer to target my elixir of choice- to wit alcohol. Like any pleasure(Gov't speak "vice" therefore highly taxable) the various Politicians see it as an easy target. It provides huge amounts of revenue and they can tax it up the kazoo and know that we will continue to imbibe. Also like any pleasure the adage of "too much of a good thing does you harm" applies. The current "binge drinking" purge is actually nothing more than the press climbing on a band wagon. Pause for a moment dear reader(Jane Austen moment) and consider your youth, think how shedded you used to get! Are the teenagers/youths any worse than we were, I doubt it.

I send out a plea to all, we know you are going to tax our vices, be it booze, baccy or sex but please don't tax them 'til the pips pop. Let us enjoy them, life is too short to go without some buzz!

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