Saturday, 8 September 2007


A few months ago we passed a momentous annual milestone! What is the milestone you may ask? Tax Freedom day, this is the day when each citizen finally finishes paying tax and starts earning money for themselves. This day has gradually crept up under Chancellor, now Prime Minister Brown by about 6 days. Sadly we haven't seen any commensurate improvement in the services that we expect to be funded from these taxes. Our health service hasn't improved, the staff certainly haven't been either looked after or paid better. Our roads and infrastructure have worsened in spite of not only these taxes but also the considerable revenue from the "safety cameras", there are fewer Police actually on the street dealing with crime, we have Community Safety Officers who laudable that they are do not have the powers or training of the police. We have an education system that is not only failing the youth but also failing to provide for the needs of the country today and certainly will not service our needs in the future. Universities are having to re-screen students and retrain them in basic English and mathematics. Is this a rant against the Labour Party and Government, in part yes but mainly it is a rant against the nature of our politicians. They are committed to lining their own nests at the expense of the ordinary citizen, the worst of these are the MEP's in Europe. This is typified by the ex member of the UKIP who was recently found guilty of fraud, sentenced to 9 months in gaol and can still keep his seat and more importantly his £60000pa salary. He can also apparently claim most of the allowances and employ members of his own family as secretarial support etc. Poor lamb, he won't be able to claim his attendance allowance or travel costs because he is topping up his striped sun tan. The question is Why? How many politicians currently sitting in Parliament have ever held a proper job? I don't mean as a barrister, union representative or any other non-job, how many have actually grafted away and earned a wage and had to live on that wage? I venture to suggest that there won't be many.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Or maybe is is a clear result of someone's spin doctors massaging the figures over and over and over until something is not workable, but to admit this would be political suicide?