Monday, 3 September 2007

The thrill

I am sure that part of the reason for men's proclivities in pursuit of the opposite sex is the thrill of the chase. The chase includes the chatting up in a bar/club to the knock on the door of you chosen courtesan, or indeed waiting for her knock on your room in the hotel. The actual event is as exciting but in a completely different way. In the case of someone with a partner it is often enhanced by the potential of discovery. It has to be better than any of these extreme sports that people indulge in. It is definitely better than jumping of some bridge with an elastic band round your ankles.


Sarah said...

And what of unrequited love? Or at least a lady who allows you to pursue her but never allowing you to do the one thing you want the most? There is nothing like it to set the heart beating. That feeling of longing.. worshipping, wanting, needing.....

These are the things that punting cannot fulfill
Nothing beats real life is what I say !

Anonymous said...

I partly agree with you Joanne. The chase is not a part of it at all really; although if a punter picks the more discerning WGS it can have a semblance. Thing is I never particularly liked the chase anyway............the fantasy of catching, yes, but the actual chase was just too stressful for me LOL.

Punting allows me the fantasy of "what if" which, for me is exciting and fulfilling. Also the fantasy of never really knowing what she thinks of me which is a kind of not love........fondness.

........and it is the nearest I want to get to unrequited love too LOL

If you think about it you can have a kind of "chase" within the client/WG relationship anyway as each tries to keep the relationship exciting without going past the boundaries.

.........if that makes any sense.

Sarah said...

And then of course , there is always role play!

PHR said...

Ah role play, how many hours could be spent extolling the delights of role play? It is the way to set a spark in the tinder of a dying fire.

Anonymous said...

Everywhere I go I here the words "Role Play"

Must be missing something LOL

PHR said...


There is nothing quite like a burger roll and some bacon, lettuce and tomato for some awesome roll play...

Sorry an old one but they are the only ones I like.